I've been using PonyProg2000 for a few years now and it's been a great tool for programming microcontrollers. It's easy to use and works with a variety of chips. It's great for backing up data and converting HEX to BIN, EEP, and MOT files. Highly recommended!
Ponyprog is a very powerful and popular microchip programmer. Ponyprog enables the user to program EEPROM, FLASH and PIC's using user friendly tools and multiple programmer types.
Key Features of Ponyprog:
- Ponyprog supports AVR, SPI eeprom, AVR micro, 12C bus 8bit eeprom, PIC 16 micro, PIC 12 micro, AT89S micro and SDE2506 eeprom family chips.
- You can open any HEX, e2p, mot, csm, rom, eep, bin files and burn them to uC or PIC.
- You can even backup the old program on the chip using Ponyprog.
- Ponyprog enables the user to write, verify and erase data on the microchip.
- Set fuse bits and locks using Ponyprog.
- You can save any HEX file to BIN file or eep file,BIN file to HEX file or MOT file and vice versa so you can use Ponyprog as converter too.
- Ponyprog offers serial or parallel port programming for uC's. You can even change polarity of control lines without touching the wires using I/O port setup.
- Serial port interface offers SI programmer and JDM API and parallel port interface offers AVR ISP,DT-006 API,Easy 12C API programmer.
- You can set program options to erase file, reload file, read data memory(EEPROM), read program memory(FLASH), set serial number, write program memory(FLASH), write data memory(EEPROM), write security and configuration bits.
Finally Ponyprog is a microchip programmer which supports all the microchips including ATMEL AVR series to the PIC family chips.
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